Legal notice.

Website publisher : Idea AARPI |25, rue Tronchet 75008 Paris | Siret 818 109 738 00026 | Director of publication : Nathalie Metallinos

Hosting:   SIMPLEBO (GRABSTOR SAS)  | 43 Bd Voltaire 75011 PARIS – France |Téléphone : | RCS Paris 790 685 358 00018 |

Personal data & cookies:

This website uses sessions and strictly necessary cookies to enable your browsing and to remember your preferences. Information provided to us by email are only used to deal with your request.

Personal data processing by Idea law firm when providing legal services

Personal data collected in rendering legal services (personal data relating to the client (natural persons) or its representatives (legal entities), other professional contacts of the Client) for the management and execution of the agreed legal services, and also to manage our clients’ and professional contacts’ relationship. We use personal data to send invitations to our events or to events that we think of interest to you and to send you our newsletter, including by email.

In accordance with the professional secrecy rules applicable to us, personal data provided in the context of the provisions of legal services may only be disclosed to third parties (other law firms intervening the rendering of the legal services, judiciary experts, court officers, defence attorneys and other third parties designated by the client) to the extent necessary to render the legal services. Personal data collected by Idea shall be retained for at least the duration of the relationship with the client/contact. We keep records of information linked to the legal services rendered in accordance with the statute of limitations applicable to the French legal profession.

Data protection rights:

Information, access, rectification and erasure rights, as well as the right to object, that data subjects hold on their personal data may be exercised on request by email sent to Idea AARPI, Avocats, 25, rue Tronchet, 75008 Paris (with a copy of an ID document). Data subjects may also object anytime to receiving our newsletters or invitations. These rights can be exercised in writing by email or regular mail, as mentioned above. Data subjects may also bring a claim to the competent data protection authority (in France : Commission nationale de l’informatique et des liberttés [CNIL] 3 Place de Fontenoy- TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07)) if you believe that the processing of your personal data by Idea does not comply with data protection laws and regulations).

Legal fees: Our legal services are generally rendered based on the Engagement Letter (describing conditions for rendering the services, including legal fees. In the absence of an engagement letter, the description of the services, and the commitment of the parties, may be formalised by all means, including email, regular mail, acceptance of budget proposal, order to proceed with legal assistance. Our fees are based either on the application of hourly rate of each partner or associate intervening in the matter, or on a flat-rate basis previously agreed with the client or on a combined basis