Droit des contrats informatiques à Paris 2 (75002)

IS/IT contractual law

Idea, droit des contrats informatiques à Paris 2 (75002)
  • Implementation of complex contractual arrangements
  • Outsourcing (Cloud Computing, BPO, outsourcing, etc.)
  • Drafting and negotiation of IS/IT and digital contracts (integration, maintenance, hosting, LAN, WAN, etc.) specific to customers' projects, contract models
  • Various partnerships (distribution, cooperation, etc.)
  • Support and training of IT and purchasing teams in the exercise of their missions.

Internet and platform law

  • Liability of Internet intermediaries
  • General terms and conditions of sale & general terms and conditions of use
  • Privacy policies
  • Profiling & cookies
  • Connected objects / Mobile applications
  • Online payment
  • Localisation of contracts
  • Legal notices

Intellectual property law

  • Protection of software and computer programs
  • Database law
  • (co-)ownership agreements, IP assignment and licenses agreements
  • Open source and Free software
  • R&D agreements

Pre-litigation and Litigation

  • Management of project drifts
  • Mediation and alternative dispute resolution
  • Licenses agreement litigation
  • Judicial appraisal and litigation
  • Assistance before the Defender of Rights
  • CNIL inspections and sanction procedures